Friday 23 November 2007

Monday 5 November 2007

Can't See the Wood for the Trees?

There's an interesting development at "Maer Hills" Maer, Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK (the felled areas in the linked Google aerial photo are supposedly where anemometer masts may be hoisted).

The proposal is to build an "eco village" on a 'green site' (woodland) including wind turbines, 'holiday homes', even a golf course, allegedly!

Here are three aspects of the argument:

1. Local demography.

2. Community opposition to renewables.

3. 'Community' opposition to the presumed motivations of developers.

I'm sure there are many more arguments but these are a start. It also looks like (from the website designs, language, etc.) that there may be differences in attitudes amongst generations, classes, etc.

The property developers, Claymoss Properties, indeed do not appear to have a website so it is difficult to present their side of the argument. The planning applications are in the local planning office though - as they were in the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. (Watch out for those Vogons, clever people but appalling poetry!)

It certainly makes 'back to the woods' difficult if there aren't any trees.

I really do wonder if this whole enterprise is doing more harm than good?

Polarisation of communities may be good for business (in this instance) but it is bad for social cohesion. We need to be united not divided if our species is to survive this millennium en masse.